Your LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®* session provider of choice

Our Clients, like our coworkers, are individuals and organisations with the courage and insight that doing differently challenges status quo. This allowing us to approach innovation, challenges and growth in new ways. To continue to reape the benefits of these insights faster and more efficently than our competitors.

Together we find ways to tap into the greater understanding and unknown-known of our organisations by use of novel yet proven methods of innovation, exploration and development to yield unprecedented results and insights.

Our Coworkers are all senior, expert professionals from different walks of life, united by a dedicated belief that by applying structured playfulness. By tapping into the processes of learning and understanding by playing, we unleash a deeper knowledge and understanding of our challenges.

Proven success – Our services are delivered at a World Class standard, measured after every session using the Net Promotor Score Model, with consistent rating above 80!

” To reach the stars you need an open mind as well as an excellent set of tools to get there”
(Adam Steltzner – The Right Kind of Crazy)

We choose the methods and models that we package into solutions for our Clients with great care. We belive that novel, yet proven methods and models merged into new combinations of capabilities offer the best outcome. We work with the Best of the Best and make sure our coworkers are always certified and trained by the leaders in their fields.

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® — Change Builders by Synergy

Build your way to better business – a powerful tool designed to enhance innovation and business performance. Tap into the hidden expertise of your organization. Transform insight and awareness into commitment and shared goals.*


PLAYMOBILpro is an innovative modelling kit for professionals which encourages problem solving and creative thinking in the workplace.

The system is based around the iconic PLAYMOBIL figure, which for generations has served as an educational toy encouraging imaginative play. Now it can also be used by adults in the frame of a professional context to aid in prototyping, project management, creative workshops and much, much more.


In many cases when exploring the use of playful methods in a business context we resort to this measure when traditional methods and patterns do not offer the insight and thinking we need. Unique Challenges deserve Unique Solutions. How playful techniques can support a challenge is often a discussion between us as facilitators and our clients, and we always design sessions with the unique challenge in mind, or tweak our packaged services to meet the need in the best possible way.

To be able to best accommodate for your needs, we offer a free consultation. Get in touch!

We facilitate a lot of sessions, and with every session we learn new things and adjust our ways of working. We also look for similarities in sessions that we run to counter various challenges, and once we find pattern that are similar, and challenges of similar nature, we make sure we package these for the greater benefit of all our clients. These packaged services can be explored below, as examples of the types of engagements we have been working with in the past.

Initial consultation on how we can support are offered for free, so please Get in touch!

build a shared model

Handshake for success using LSP

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology
is effective when there is more than one possible right answer, and when the
organisation wants to bring together all available knowledge in the team in
order not only to find the best possible solution.

It is particularly effective when:

  • the subject is complex and multifaceted and there is a need to grasp the bigger picture and explore options
  • it is important to reach decisions which everyone commits to
  • everyone in the group has an interest or stake in what is on the agenda
  • you want to increase team understanding and at the same time avoid frustration
  • you want to use the time efficiently
  • there are no obvious answers
  • you would like to gain new learning, insights and new ways of thinking
  • you want to deal with tough and complex issues in a constructive atmosphere
  • you want to create a level playing field for discussion

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology is effective when there is more than one possible right answer, and when the organisation wants to bring together all available knowledge in the team in order not only to find the best possible solution.

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology
is effective when there is more than one possible right answer, and when the
organisation wants to bring together all available knowledge in the team in
order not only to find the best possible solution.

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Case Studies


Five Brave steps Canvas using LSP

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Build a system

Business modell Canvas using LSP

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

TeamWork in the new normal

In this digital online session we will use the LEGO Serious Play method to explore ways of working in the new normal. 
Remote Session – LEGO distributed to participants and shared digitally

RealTime Identity for You

This RealTime Identity for You workshop focuses on allowing the participants to understand themselves better. If used with groups, creating an understanding of their colleagues better.
Individual Session – One on one coaching

Five Bold Steps Canvas

The 5 Bold Steps Vision Canvas will help you identify and prioritize the steps needed to move forward to the common Vision of the Company/team.
Team session

CoCreate Team Canvas

Working together on the CoCreate Team Canvas will help you identify potential conflicts or separate values within the team.
Team session

RealTime Strategy for the Enterprise

How do you work with strategy in an unpredictable world? Our process helps you with continous strategizing to better meet your goals in an unpredictable world
Leadership session

CoCreate Impact/Effort

Focusing on the impact you want to have and effort you need to put in the CoCreate Impact/Effort Canvas workshop will help you and your team focus on the solutions and feature needs for solving issues or realizing new ideas
Taskforce session


These sessions are tapping into the numerous benefits of the LSP Methodology!*LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® — Change Builders by Synergy

While most of our coworkers are in running engagments with our clients, our aim is to always reserve some availability for new engagments and commitments. Below is a view of our current avaliability for engagment. We try to keep an updated view for at least the next quarter, and beyond that we have a more open agenda.

Please connect on for a free consultation on how we can support you in your Challenge!

Febuary 2022
Available for engagments 10%
March 2022
Available for engagments 25%
April 2022
Available for engagments 30%


As of May 1st 2010 LEGO has decided to allow everyone to freely use LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology. Thanks LEGO!

Feel Free to Use, Develop and Pass it on!

Who and how is entitled to use, train, develop with LEGO® Serious Play® methodology? Very simple! Anybody is entitled to – provided that they follow the LEGO Serious Play Open-source guideline (download it below).

LEGO Serious Play Open-source document p. 4 states: “LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® has been made available by the LEGO Group under a Creative Commons licence ‘Attribution Share Alike’: see“.

This license means that you are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
  • The licensor (LEGO) cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

You need to do this under the following terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

It is as simple as: “1) You use, 2) you develop, 3) you pass it on to anybody else to use under the same terms.“

How do you give credit to LEGO Corporation?

Anybody can do what they like with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® as long as they refer to original LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Open-source document and give exactly the same credit for the next developers. If you are in doubt how to best formulate it, you may just use the sentence:

“This approach/application/technique/model/roadmap/case builds on LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Open-source guideline made available by the LEGO® Group under a Creative Commons licence. Feel free to share and use under the same licence and enjoy playing seriously with bricks!” 🙂


When you do that it is important to make a distinction to what is in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Open Source Guide and what are proprietary materials. E.g. if somebody has created something, which has their original ideas and that they do not allow others to use. If you are in doubt then get in touch with the authors and make sure that you will not violate their rights nor trust.

What is included in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Open Source Document?

The core methodology of LSP has been transcribed and made public for people and facilitators looking to benefit from utilising this method. The Open Source document aims to empower and inspire people to become familliar with the LSP method as well as open up the experience to people who previously couldn’t be a part of it.

By sharing the method of LSP, LEGO hopes to will illustrate the “power of thinking through your fingers” enabling individuals to unleash insight, inspiration and imagination, in a practical and direct way. The common language – the bricks – makes everyone equal and allows all opinions and aspects to be heard. The bricks allow people to communicate thoughts and ideas in place of traditional communication methods that can be too restrictive.

Since 20 years, the LEGO® GROUP has supported the rigorous and careful development of three types of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® resources:

  • The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® basic principles and philosophy, upon which everything else is built;
  • The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® materials – sets of specially selected LEGO bricks and pieces;
  • The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® ‘applications’ – detailed roadmaps of different workshops that make use of the principles, the philosophy and the materials;

In the past all three of these were only available to trained and certified consultants. From June 2010 however, the first two of these have been made ‘open source’. This document outlines the basic principles and philosophy, and the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® boxes (large sets of LEGO bricks and pieces) can be found here: purchase bricks.

The document does not include detailed applications, because LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is entering a new phase. New applications will be developed by the international community of users, and may be shared online. In this new phase welcome creative uses of the tools, and innovation in the community.

Download the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Open Source Document

You may download below. It is a large file (pdf, 37MB) and download may take some time depending on your bandwidth: Download the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Open Source Brochure here

Separate Page – Articles, Publications, & Probono commitments

Our ambition, in line with the Creative commons idea under witch most of the methods we hold dear are published, is to give back from what we learn in our line of work to benefit of the greater good and the community.

This we do by publishing articles and papers, speaking at events and fairs, offer open sessions to spread word of our methods and supporting our local non-profit community with free services.

Below are some examples of such activities. 

Bricks for Future

Björn – koppling och kort ingress till vårt arbete med Robs grupp


Mikael – ingress och Material från PMI sessioner – PfP2019, Samhällsbyggnad 2019

5 Bold Steps Canvas Article

Björn – ingress och Material, samt artikel


Mikael – Artikel från arbete med Mars

LSP Vakna med Jambiz

Vet inte hur denna passar in…

TBD – LSP Teaser on meetup

Our ambition, in line with the Creative commons idea under which most of the methods we hold dear are published, is to give back from what we learn in our line of work to benefit to the greater good and the community.

This we do by publishing articles and papers, speaking at events and fairs, offer open sessions to spread word of our methods and supporting our local non-profit community with free services.

Below are some examples of such activities. 

Giving back to the greater community of Playfullness supporters is at the core of our support in the beliefe that we can create better businesses through play.

Stadsmissionen Skåne

Nu är det jul – igen. Allt fler familjer har svårt att få pengarna att räcka till det nödvändigaste. När julen kommer blir fattigdomen särskilt tydlig. Ingen förälder borde behöva välja mellan att köpa julklappar till sitt barn och att kunna sätta mat på bordet.

I år väljer vi därför att ge vi bort julen som julklapp, genom att bidra till Skåne Stadsmissions arbete för människor som lever i utsatthet i Skåne. Vi vill helt enkelt göra julen bättre, för alla.

Pengarna går exempelvis till frukostar för människor som lever i hemlöshet, julfirande för människor som vill uppleva en jul i gemenskap eller matkassar med det allra nödvändigaste för barnfamiljer som lever i fattigdom.

Vill ditt företag vara med och bidra? Läs mer på

Creations For Charity

This year we stumbled across Creations for charity, a non profit where masterbuilders of lego donate creations for others to bid on, and where all the proceedings go towards supplying those in need with a playful experience.

“Creations for Charity is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization that hosts an annual fundraising event where builders from all over the world donate custom LEGO creations that are sold in our store from October 15th to November 30th. The proceeds are used to buy new LEGO sets for underprivileged children around the world during the holidays.” –

Make sure you secure the bespoke LEGO model of your choice in this years sale, or why not support by  donating on this Paypal page, no strings attached. Hopefully this will lead to some great times for the children during the holiday season. And also will give them the chance to experience the power of play.

Passion for Projects is the biggest Nordic conference for Professionells in the Project Management trade, hoasted by the Swedish Chapter of the Project Management Institute

As a long standing Project Managment Professional PMP certified Facilitator of the Project Managment Institute, giving back to the wider community on these community events is a great honor. We have been asked back several times to support the Swedish Chapter events with some sessions of Hard Fun, in exploring how the Power of Play can be used to rune better projects.


2019 we where invited to host a set of interactive sessions (as the only speaker that year to host multiple sessions) to explore how PMI could reach more members and drive more engagment in its member base. The session gave participants an oppertunity to experience a couple of LSP Applicaiton techniques while exploring the question at hand. The sessions where very apprechiated, and built a lot of lasting relations.
The complete presentaiton can be found here: PfP19LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® – A POWERFUL FACILITATION TOOL


PMI Samhällsbyggnadsdagar 2019- LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® – Vad är hållbar samhällsbyggnad

Every year the PMI Sweden Chapter hosts a day of sessions exploring sustainable development of society.
2019 the sessions where hosted in Malmö and as a Partner to ProgressLEAD, Addends supported the event with an interactive session to align the view on the subject.

In a reality where people are getting increasingly informed and connected through various methods, it’s important to find an innovative way of communicating. The need to re-visit how the dialogue with consumer and supplier is lead within and by companies is important and it’s time for a new method in the field. Introducing dialoguing with consumers through LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®*.

Because of the very complex and over stimulated context in which we live, people are changing their relationships with time, their capacity to keep focus and their attention overall. With this in mind, a new way of leading change management and communication within and by companies is an essential part of development.

The LSP approach allows consumers to get out of their cognitive thinking and to access the unconscious parts of their minds through playfulness and storytelling. Through this, the answers to specific questions have a stronger link to emotions associated with product usage and are less rationalized. Another benefit is the individual sharing of answers by all the participants. The beauty of this method is that everyone has the same opportunity to explain their thoughts and ideas in a fun and safe environment.

This is the assumption we started from when we initiated the “LSP Focus Groups” project. We had already piloted this approach on an individual level, and thanks to last year’s conference in Billund, the birthplace of LEGO, we have got the chance to gather a small group of LSP facilitators from different parts of Europe and from different starting points, businesses and countries to lead workshops and change management at different companies.

The complete article can be found here: Dialoguing with consumers through LSP

Article written for the LSP Connect Magazine – Full magazine downloadable at:

When I first heard about and encountered the 5 Bold Steps Vision Canvas it really triggered something, and I realised this could be used together with the LEGO® Serious Play® method.

The canvas is described as follows: “The 5 Bold steps vision® canvas (created by David Sibbet, of the Grove International) provides a guide to create a vision and strategy for your business or team by using the defined steps and model these onto a canvas to clearly visualize the needed steps, actions, stakeholders etc. to reach the goals.

So how could this be adapted to work with LSP and how would a session setup look like?
Firstly, it is a canvas, and this can easily be represented on the sharing table using plates:

Sharing table setup with plates

5 Bold Steps Vision Canvas

Secondly, it has clear areas that is easily adapted into workshop steps.

As usual starting with skills building to level the playing field, but after that pose the questions related to each of the areas described on the canvas.

  1. Build the Vision statement / Process / Team
  2. Build the Themes / Resources Supporting 1
  3. Build the Stakeholders / dependencies impacting 1
  4. Build the Operations/roles/strengths supporting 1
  5. Build the Threats/Challenges towards 1
  6. Build the Steps/Opportunities to reach 1
  7. Build the Foundations needed to reach 1

For each of the areas I used individual models and then moved to the sharing table for placement and discussions. And at the sharing table make sure to use the space as an indicator for how each model is impacting each other or related area. This will enable you to use all AT’s by building agents, making connections, and creating a landscape.

Each of the questions posed for the team to build will be focused on the vision. And will depend on the setup and expectations. A few examples would be:

If the vision is a process, I would ask the team to build “what are the resources need for the process?” these could be people, tools etc, and add these into step 2 Themes

if the vision is more a goal or actual mission then step 5 – Challenges would be “build agents that challenges the goal” here it would be more open with everything from the market to people to mindsets.

And as usual each workshop is unique and therefor can be adapted. When I did the first session, I added Connections to the table as well, to really highlight how any agents are connected to the themes previously created.

Making Connections between agents and themes

At the end of the session the team will have a complete canvas based on both the Canvas setup as well as the LSP methodology. For this session, the main goal was to identify the steps / actions needed to reach the vision, and at the end of the day the team had a common understanding and a clear prioritized action list that could be acted upon the next day.

Finished Canvas

Key aspects are as usual to ensure that you and the customer are aligned on the session goal.

Some more specific considerations:

  • Should the Vision be created beforehand, and you focus on the areas to reach the vision?
  • Given the amount of time spent around the sharing table its important, as facilitator, to keep track of the discussions.
  • Use the canvas as a palette and change according to the customer’s needs.
  • Expectations on reporting.

For the first session we spent about 6 hours, but this will of course depend on complexity and size of group. The whole session can be done with only individual and sharing models, or it can be built to use all application techniques.

For the first session I used individual starter kits, combined with both landscaping and connection kits. As well as some community bricks (old starter kits put in a pile) just to ensure that each participant was able to build the models, which can be quite a few.

Room setup

Based on feedback and observations during the session only minor changes was needed to the template and given that each session will be tailored to each customer anyway, they will all be different.

This session has been run with both management, investigating how to restart in the new normal world we are facing, as well as with a team needing help to define and examine new ways-of-working.

Looking forward to using and adapting this setup in further workshops as I can really see the potential in the canvas and its adaptability.

For more information, or if you are interested in this workshop setup feel free to contact us:

Community of Facilitators LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Singapore | Community of Facilitators LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Singapore

Our coworkers are Certified Facilitators of the Association of Master Trainers. The members of the Association of Master Trainers provide facilitator training, certification and community support in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method.* Their purpose is to deliver a uniform and high quality training of new facilitators in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method regardless of language or geographical location and do it in a way that protects, maintains and further the method’s integrity and high quality. 

Our beautiful drawings used throughout the site are all supplied by our friend at

A talanted artist, but also a great resource if you are in search of changing up your next meeting or shaking up your team with a new approach to documenting and driving meetings, workshops and gatherings. 

* ©2020 The LEGO Group – LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, the Minifigure and the Brick and Knob configurations are trademarks of the LEGO® Group, which does not sponsor, authorise or endorse this website – more details here.

Events using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® approach, method and materials build on the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Open-source guidelines made available by the LEGO® Group under a Creative Commons licence.